Lost Ark SDK
SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface Class Reference

#include <LA_Engine_classes.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface:
Collaboration diagram for SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface:

Public Member Functions

bool GetServerAddr (int *OutServerIP, int *OutServerPort)
bool GetServerUniqueId (struct FUniqueNetId *OutServerUID)
bool FindLocalServerAuthSession (class UPlayer *ClientConnection, struct FLocalAuthSession *OutSessionInfo)
bool FindServerAuthSession (class UPlayer *ServerConnection, struct FAuthSession *OutSessionInfo)
bool FindLocalClientAuthSession (class UPlayer *ServerConnection, struct FLocalAuthSession *OutSessionInfo)
bool FindClientAuthSession (class UPlayer *ClientConnection, struct FAuthSession *OutSessionInfo)
void AllLocalServerAuthSessions (struct FLocalAuthSession *OutSessionInfo)
void AllServerAuthSessions (struct FAuthSession *OutSessionInfo)
void AllLocalClientAuthSessions (struct FLocalAuthSession *OutSessionInfo)
void AllClientAuthSessions (struct FAuthSession *OutSessionInfo)
void EndAllRemoteServerAuthSessions ()
void EndAllLocalServerAuthSessions ()
void EndRemoteServerAuthSession (const struct FUniqueNetId &ServerUID, int ServerIP)
void EndLocalServerAuthSession (const struct FUniqueNetId &ClientUID, int ClientIP)
bool VerifyServerAuthSession (const struct FUniqueNetId &ServerUID, int ServerIP, int AuthTicketUID)
bool CreateServerAuthSession (const struct FUniqueNetId &ClientUID, int ClientIP, int ClientPort, int *OutAuthTicketUID)
void EndAllRemoteClientAuthSessions ()
void EndAllLocalClientAuthSessions ()
void EndRemoteClientAuthSession (const struct FUniqueNetId &ClientUID, int ClientIP)
void EndLocalClientAuthSession (const struct FUniqueNetId &ServerUID, int ServerIP, int ServerPort)
bool VerifyClientAuthSession (const struct FUniqueNetId &ClientUID, int ClientIP, int ClientPort, int AuthTicketUID)
bool CreateClientAuthSession (const struct FUniqueNetId &ServerUID, int ServerIP, int ServerPort, bool bSecure, int *OutAuthTicketUID)
bool SendServerAuthRetryRequest ()
bool SendClientAuthEndSessionRequest (class UPlayer *ClientConnection)
bool SendServerAuthResponse (class UPlayer *ClientConnection, int AuthTicketUID)
bool SendClientAuthResponse (int AuthTicketUID)
bool SendServerAuthRequest (const struct FUniqueNetId &ServerUID)
bool SendClientAuthRequest (class UPlayer *ClientConnection, const struct FUniqueNetId &ClientUID)
void ClearServerConnectionCloseDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerConnectionCloseDelegate)
void AddServerConnectionCloseDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerConnectionCloseDelegate)
void OnServerConnectionClose (class UPlayer *ServerConnection)
void ClearClientConnectionCloseDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientConnectionCloseDelegate)
void AddClientConnectionCloseDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientConnectionCloseDelegate)
void OnClientConnectionClose (class UPlayer *ClientConnection)
void ClearServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate)
void AddServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate)
void OnServerAuthRetryRequest (class UPlayer *ClientConnection)
void ClearClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate)
void AddClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate)
void OnClientAuthEndSessionRequest (class UPlayer *ServerConnection)
void ClearServerAuthCompleteDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerAuthCompleteDelegate)
void AddServerAuthCompleteDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerAuthCompleteDelegate)
void OnServerAuthComplete (bool bSuccess, const struct FUniqueNetId &ServerUID, class UPlayer *ServerConnection, const struct FString &ExtraInfo)
void ClearClientAuthCompleteDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientAuthCompleteDelegate)
void AddClientAuthCompleteDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientAuthCompleteDelegate)
void OnClientAuthComplete (bool bSuccess, const struct FUniqueNetId &ClientUID, class UPlayer *ClientConnection, const struct FString &ExtraInfo)
void ClearServerAuthResponseDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerAuthResponseDelegate)
void AddServerAuthResponseDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerAuthResponseDelegate)
void OnServerAuthResponse (const struct FUniqueNetId &ServerUID, int ServerIP, int AuthTicketUID)
void ClearClientAuthResponseDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientAuthResponseDelegate)
void AddClientAuthResponseDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientAuthResponseDelegate)
void OnClientAuthResponse (const struct FUniqueNetId &ClientUID, int ClientIP, int AuthTicketUID)
void ClearServerAuthRequestDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerAuthRequestDelegate)
void AddServerAuthRequestDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ServerAuthRequestDelegate)
void OnServerAuthRequest (class UPlayer *ClientConnection, const struct FUniqueNetId &ClientUID, int ClientIP, int ClientPort)
void ClearClientAuthRequestDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientAuthRequestDelegate)
void AddClientAuthRequestDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &ClientAuthRequestDelegate)
void OnClientAuthRequest (const struct FUniqueNetId &ServerUID, int ServerIP, int ServerPort, bool bSecure)
void ClearAuthReadyDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &AuthReadyDelegate)
void AddAuthReadyDelegate (const struct FScriptDelegate &AuthReadyDelegate)
void OnAuthReady ()
bool IsReady ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::UObject
std::string UObject::GetName () const
std::string GetFullName () const
bool IsA (UClass *cmp) const
void ProcessEvent (class UFunction *function, void *parms)
void STATIC_ProfNodeEvent (const struct FString &EventName)
void STATIC_ProfNodeSetDepthThreshold (int Depth)
void STATIC_ProfNodeSetTimeThresholdSeconds (float Threshold)
void STATIC_ProfNodeStop (int AssumedTimerIndex)
int STATIC_ProfNodeStart (const struct FString &TimerName)
struct FString STATIC_GetStringFromGuid (struct FGuid *InGuid)
struct FGuid STATIC_GetGuidFromString (struct FString *InGuidString)
struct FGuid STATIC_CreateGuid ()
bool STATIC_IsGuidValid (struct FGuid *InGuid)
void STATIC_InvalidateGuid (struct FGuid *InGuid)
struct FString STATIC_GetLanguage ()
int GetRandomOptionSumFrequency (TArray< float > *FreqList)
int GetBuildChangelistNumber ()
int GetEngineVersion ()
void GetSystemTime (int *Year, int *Month, int *DayOfWeek, int *Day, int *Hour, int *Min, int *Sec, int *MSec)
struct FString TimeStamp ()
struct FVector TransformVectorByRotation (const struct FRotator &SourceRotation, const struct FVector &SourceVector, bool bInverse)
struct FName GetPackageName ()
bool IsPendingKill ()
float ByteToFloat (unsigned char inputByte, bool bSigned)
unsigned char FloatToByte (float inputFloat, bool bSigned)
float STATIC_UnwindHeading (float A)
float STATIC_FindDeltaAngle (float A1, float A2)
float STATIC_GetHeadingAngle (const struct FVector &Dir)
void STATIC_GetAngularDegreesFromRadians (struct FVector2D *OutFOV)
void STATIC_GetAngularFromDotDist (const struct FVector2D &DotDist, struct FVector2D *OutAngDist)
bool STATIC_GetAngularDistance (const struct FVector &Direction, const struct FVector &AxisX, const struct FVector &AxisY, const struct FVector &AxisZ, struct FVector2D *OutAngularDist)
bool STATIC_GetDotDistance (const struct FVector &Direction, const struct FVector &AxisX, const struct FVector &AxisY, const struct FVector &AxisZ, struct FVector2D *OutDotDist)
struct FVector STATIC_PointProjectToPlane (const struct FVector &Point, const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B, const struct FVector &C)
float PointDistToPlane (const struct FVector &Point, const struct FRotator &Orientation, const struct FVector &Origin, struct FVector *out_ClosestPoint)
float PointDistToSegment (const struct FVector &Point, const struct FVector &StartPoint, const struct FVector &EndPoint, struct FVector *OutClosestPoint)
float PointDistToLine (const struct FVector &Point, const struct FVector &Line, const struct FVector &Origin, struct FVector *OutClosestPoint)
bool STATIC_GetPerObjectConfigSections (class UClass *SearchClass, class UObject *ObjectOuter, int MaxResults, TArray< struct FString > *out_SectionNames)
void STATIC_ImportJSON (const struct FString &PropertyName, struct FString *JSON)
void STATIC_StaticSaveConfig ()
void SaveConfig ()
class UObjectSTATIC_FindObject (const struct FString &ObjectName, class UClass *ObjectClass)
class UObjectSTATIC_DynamicLoadObject (const struct FString &ObjectName, class UClass *ObjectClass, bool MayFail)
int STATIC_EnumFromString (class UObject *E, const struct FName &ValueName)
struct FName STATIC_GetEnum (class UObject *E, int I)
void Disable (const struct FName &ProbeFunc)
void Enable (const struct FName &ProbeFunc)
void ContinuedState ()
void PausedState ()
void PoppedState ()
void PushedState ()
void EndState (const struct FName &NextStateName)
void BeginState (const struct FName &PreviousStateName)
void DumpStateStack ()
void PopState (bool bPopAll)
void PushState (const struct FName &NewState, const struct FName &NewLabel)
struct FName GetStateName ()
bool IsChildState (const struct FName &TestState, const struct FName &TestParentState)
bool IsInState (const struct FName &TestState, bool bTestStateStack)
void GotoState (const struct FName &NewState, const struct FName &Label, bool bForceEvents, bool bKeepStack)
bool STATIC_IsUTracing ()
void STATIC_SetUTracing (bool bShouldUTrace)
struct FName STATIC_GetFuncName ()
void STATIC_DebugBreak (int UserFlags, TEnumAsByte< EDebugBreakType > DebuggerType)
struct FString STATIC_GetScriptTrace ()
void STATIC_ScriptTrace ()
struct FString STATIC_ParseLocalizedPropertyPath (const struct FString &PathName)
struct FString STATIC_Localize (const struct FString &SectionName, const struct FString &KeyName, const struct FString &PackageName)
void STATIC_WarnInternal (const struct FString &S)
void STATIC_LogInternal (const struct FString &S, const struct FName &Tag)
struct FLinearColor STATIC_Subtract_LinearColorLinearColor (const struct FLinearColor &A, const struct FLinearColor &B)
struct FLinearColor STATIC_Multiply_LinearColorFloat (const struct FLinearColor &LC, float Mult)
struct FLinearColor STATIC_ColorToLinearColor (const struct FColor &OldColor)
struct FLinearColor STATIC_MakeLinearColor (float R, float G, float B, float A)
struct FColor STATIC_LerpColor (const struct FColor &A, const struct FColor &B, float Alpha)
struct FColor STATIC_MakeColor (unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, unsigned char A)
struct FColor STATIC_Add_ColorColor (const struct FColor &A, const struct FColor &B)
struct FColor STATIC_Multiply_ColorFloat (const struct FColor &A, float B)
struct FColor STATIC_Multiply_FloatColor (float A, const struct FColor &B)
struct FColor STATIC_Subtract_ColorColor (const struct FColor &A, const struct FColor &B)
struct FVector2D STATIC_EvalInterpCurveVector2D (float InVal, struct FInterpCurveVector2D *Vector2DCurve)
struct FVector STATIC_EvalInterpCurveVector (float InVal, struct FInterpCurveVector *VectorCurve)
float STATIC_EvalInterpCurveFloat (float InVal, struct FInterpCurveFloat *FloatCurve)
struct FVector2D STATIC_vect2d (float InX, float InY)
float STATIC_GetMappedRangeValue (const struct FVector2D &InputRange, const struct FVector2D &OutputRange, float Value)
float STATIC_GetRangePctByValue (const struct FVector2D &Range, float Value)
float STATIC_GetRangeValueByPct (const struct FVector2D &Range, float Pct)
struct FVector2D STATIC_SubtractEqual_Vector2DVector2D (const struct FVector2D &B, struct FVector2D *A)
struct FVector2D STATIC_AddEqual_Vector2DVector2D (const struct FVector2D &B, struct FVector2D *A)
struct FVector2D STATIC_DivideEqual_Vector2DFloat (float B, struct FVector2D *A)
struct FVector2D STATIC_MultiplyEqual_Vector2DFloat (float B, struct FVector2D *A)
struct FVector2D STATIC_Divide_Vector2DFloat (const struct FVector2D &A, float B)
struct FVector2D STATIC_Multiply_Vector2DFloat (const struct FVector2D &A, float B)
struct FVector2D STATIC_Subtract_Vector2DVector2D (const struct FVector2D &A, const struct FVector2D &B)
struct FVector2D STATIC_Add_Vector2DVector2D (const struct FVector2D &A, const struct FVector2D &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_Subtract_QuatQuat (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_Add_QuatQuat (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatSlerp (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B, float Alpha, bool bShortestPath)
struct FRotator STATIC_QuatToRotator (const struct FQuat &A)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatFromRotator (const struct FRotator &A)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatFromAxisAndAngle (const struct FVector &Axis, float Angle)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatFindBetween (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_QuatRotateVector (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatInvert (const struct FQuat &A)
float STATIC_QuatDot (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatProduct (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B)
struct FVector STATIC_MatrixGetAxis (const struct FMatrix &TM, TEnumAsByte< EAxis > Axis)
struct FVector STATIC_MatrixGetOrigin (const struct FMatrix &TM)
struct FRotator STATIC_MatrixGetRotator (const struct FMatrix &TM)
struct FMatrix STATIC_MakeRotationMatrix (const struct FRotator &Rotation)
struct FMatrix STATIC_MakeRotationTranslationMatrix (const struct FVector &Translation, const struct FRotator &Rotation)
struct FVector STATIC_InverseTransformNormal (const struct FMatrix &TM, const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_TransformNormal (const struct FMatrix &TM, const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_InverseTransformVector (const struct FMatrix &TM, const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_TransformVector (const struct FMatrix &TM, const struct FVector &A)
struct FMatrix STATIC_Multiply_MatrixMatrix (const struct FMatrix &A, const struct FMatrix &B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_NameName (const struct FName &A, const struct FName &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_NameName (const struct FName &A, const struct FName &B)
bool IsA (const struct FName &ClassName)
bool STATIC_ClassIsChildOf (class UClass *TestClass, class UClass *ParentClass)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_InterfaceInterface (const TScriptInterface< class UInterface > &A, const TScriptInterface< class UInterface > &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_InterfaceInterface (const TScriptInterface< class UInterface > &A, const TScriptInterface< class UInterface > &B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_ObjectObject (class UObject *A, class UObject *B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_ObjectObject (class UObject *A, class UObject *B)
struct FString STATIC_PathName (class UObject *CheckObject)
TArray< struct FStringSTATIC_SplitString (const struct FString &Source, const struct FString &Delimiter, bool bCullEmpty)
void STATIC_ParseStringIntoArray (const struct FString &BaseString, const struct FString &delim, bool bCullEmpty, TArray< struct FString > *Pieces)
void STATIC_JoinArray (TArray< struct FString > StringArray, const struct FString &delim, bool bIgnoreBlanks, struct FString *out_Result)
struct FString STATIC_GetRightMost (const struct FString &Text)
struct FString STATIC_Split (const struct FString &Text, const struct FString &SplitStr, bool bOmitSplitStr)
struct FString STATIC_Repl (const struct FString &Src, const struct FString &Match, const struct FString &With, bool bCaseSensitive)
int STATIC_Asc (const struct FString &S)
struct FString STATIC_Chr (int I)
struct FString STATIC_Locs (const struct FString &S)
struct FString STATIC_Caps (const struct FString &S)
struct FString STATIC_Right (const struct FString &S, int I)
struct FString STATIC_Left (const struct FString &S, int I)
struct FString STATIC_Mid (const struct FString &S, int I, int J)
int STATIC_InStr (const struct FString &S, const struct FString &T, bool bSearchFromRight, bool bIgnoreCase, int StartPos)
int STATIC_Len (const struct FString &S)
struct FString STATIC_SubtractEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &B, struct FString *A)
struct FString STATIC_AtEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &B, struct FString *A)
struct FString STATIC_ConcatEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &B, struct FString *A)
bool STATIC_ComplementEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_GreaterEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_LessEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_Greater_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_Less_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
struct FString STATIC_At_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
struct FString STATIC_Concat_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
struct FRotator STATIC_MakeRotator (int Pitch, int Yaw, int Roll)
bool STATIC_SClampRotAxis (float DeltaTime, int ViewAxis, int MaxLimit, int MinLimit, float InterpolationSpeed, int *out_DeltaViewAxis)
int STATIC_ClampRotAxisFromRange (int Current, int Min, int Max)
int STATIC_ClampRotAxisFromBase (int Current, int Center, int MaxDelta)
void STATIC_ClampRotAxis (int ViewAxis, int MaxLimit, int MinLimit, int *out_DeltaViewAxis)
float STATIC_RSize (const struct FRotator &R)
float STATIC_RDiff (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
int STATIC_NormalizeRotAxis (int Angle)
struct FRotator STATIC_RInterpTo (const struct FRotator &Current, const struct FRotator &Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed, bool bConstantInterpSpeed)
struct FRotator STATIC_RTransform (const struct FRotator &R, const struct FRotator &RBasis)
struct FRotator STATIC_RLerp (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B, float Alpha, bool bShortestPath)
struct FRotator STATIC_Normalize (const struct FRotator &Rot)
struct FRotator STATIC_OrthoRotation (const struct FVector &X, const struct FVector &Y, const struct FVector &Z)
struct FRotator STATIC_RotRand (bool bRoll)
struct FVector STATIC_GetRotatorAxis (const struct FRotator &A, int Axis)
void STATIC_GetUnAxes (const struct FRotator &A, struct FVector *X, struct FVector *Y, struct FVector *Z)
void STATIC_GetAxes (const struct FRotator &A, struct FVector *X, struct FVector *Y, struct FVector *Z)
bool STATIC_ClockwiseFrom_IntInt (int A, int B)
struct FRotator STATIC_SubtractEqual_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &B, struct FRotator *A)
struct FRotator STATIC_AddEqual_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &B, struct FRotator *A)
struct FRotator STATIC_Subtract_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FRotator STATIC_Add_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FRotator STATIC_DivideEqual_RotatorFloat (float B, struct FRotator *A)
struct FRotator STATIC_MultiplyEqual_RotatorFloat (float B, struct FRotator *A)
struct FRotator STATIC_Divide_RotatorFloat (const struct FRotator &A, float B)
struct FRotator STATIC_Multiply_FloatRotator (float A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FRotator STATIC_Multiply_RotatorFloat (const struct FRotator &A, float B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
bool InCylinder (const struct FVector &Origin, const struct FRotator &Dir, float Width, const struct FVector &A, bool bIgnoreZ)
float STATIC_NoZDot (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_ClampLength (const struct FVector &V, float MaxLength)
struct FVector STATIC_VInterpTo (const struct FVector &Current, const struct FVector &Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
bool STATIC_IsZero (const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_ProjectOnTo (const struct FVector &X, const struct FVector &Y)
struct FVector STATIC_MirrorVectorByNormal (const struct FVector &InVect, const struct FVector &InNormal)
struct FVector STATIC_VRandCone2 (const struct FVector &Dir, float HorizontalConeHalfAngleRadians, float VerticalConeHalfAngleRadians)
struct FVector STATIC_VRandCone (const struct FVector &Dir, float ConeHalfAngleRadians)
struct FVector STATIC_VRand ()
struct FVector STATIC_VLerp (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B, float Alpha)
struct FVector STATIC_Normal2D (const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_Normal (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_VSizeSq2D (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_VSizeSq (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_VSize2D (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_VSize (const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_SubtractEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_AddEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_DivideEqual_VectorFloat (float B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_MultiplyEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_MultiplyEqual_VectorFloat (float B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_Cross_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
float STATIC_Dot_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_GreaterGreater_VectorRotator (const struct FVector &A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FVector STATIC_LessLess_VectorRotator (const struct FVector &A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Subtract_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Add_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Divide_VectorFloat (const struct FVector &A, float B)
struct FVector STATIC_Multiply_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Multiply_FloatVector (float A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Multiply_VectorFloat (const struct FVector &A, float B)
struct FVector STATIC_Subtract_PreVector (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_FInterpConstantTo (float Current, float Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
float STATIC_FInterpTo (float Current, float Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
float STATIC_FPctByRange (float Value, float InMin, float InMax)
float STATIC_RandRange (float InMin, float InMax)
float STATIC_FInterpEaseInOut (float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp)
float STATIC_FInterpEaseOut (float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp)
float STATIC_FInterpEaseIn (float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp)
float STATIC_FCubicInterp (float P0, float T0, float P1, float T1, float A)
int STATIC_FCeil (float A)
int STATIC_FFloor (float A)
int STATIC_Round (float A)
float STATIC_Lerp (float A, float B, float Alpha)
float STATIC_FClamp (float V, float A, float B)
float STATIC_FMax (float A, float B)
float STATIC_FMin (float A, float B)
float STATIC_FRand ()
float STATIC_Square (float A)
float STATIC_Sqrt (float A)
float STATIC_Loge (float A)
float STATIC_Exp (float A)
float STATIC_Atan2 (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Atan (float A)
float STATIC_Tan (float A)
float STATIC_Acos (float A)
float STATIC_Cos (float A)
float STATIC_Asin (float A)
float STATIC_Sin (float A)
float STATIC_Abs (float A)
float STATIC_SubtractEqual_FloatFloat (float B, float *A)
float STATIC_AddEqual_FloatFloat (float B, float *A)
float STATIC_DivideEqual_FloatFloat (float B, float *A)
float STATIC_MultiplyEqual_FloatFloat (float B, float *A)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_ComplementEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_GreaterEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_LessEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_Greater_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_Less_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Subtract_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Add_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Percent_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Divide_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Multiply_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_MultiplyMultiply_FloatFloat (float Base, float Exp)
float STATIC_Subtract_PreFloat (float A)
struct FString STATIC_ToHex (int A)
int STATIC_Clamp (int V, int A, int B)
int STATIC_Max (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Min (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Rand (int Max)
int STATIC_SubtractSubtract_Int (int *A)
int STATIC_AddAdd_Int (int *A)
int STATIC_SubtractSubtract_PreInt (int *A)
int STATIC_AddAdd_PreInt (int *A)
int STATIC_SubtractEqual_IntInt (int B, int *A)
int STATIC_AddEqual_IntInt (int B, int *A)
int STATIC_DivideEqual_IntFloat (float B, int *A)
int STATIC_MultiplyEqual_IntFloat (float B, int *A)
int STATIC_Or_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Xor_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_And_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_GreaterEqual_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_LessEqual_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_Greater_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_Less_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_GreaterGreaterGreater_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_GreaterGreater_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_LessLess_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Subtract_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Add_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Percent_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Divide_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Multiply_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Subtract_PreInt (int A)
int STATIC_Complement_PreInt (int A)
unsigned char STATIC_SubtractSubtract_Byte (unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_AddAdd_Byte (unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_SubtractSubtract_PreByte (unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_AddAdd_PreByte (unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_SubtractEqual_ByteByte (unsigned char B, unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_AddEqual_ByteByte (unsigned char B, unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_DivideEqual_ByteByte (unsigned char B, unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_MultiplyEqual_ByteFloat (float B, unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_MultiplyEqual_ByteByte (unsigned char B, unsigned char *A)
bool STATIC_OrOr_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_XorXor_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_AndAnd_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_Not_PreBool (bool A)

Static Public Member Functions

static UClassStaticClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::UInterface
static UClassStaticClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::UObject
static TArray< UObject * > & GetGlobalObjects ()
template<typename T >
static T * FindObject (const std::string &name)
static UClassFindClass (const std::string &name)
template<typename T >
static T * GetObjectCasted (std::size_t index)
static UClassStaticClass ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from SDK::UObject
struct FPointer VfTableObject
struct FQWord ObjectFlags
struct FPointer StateFrame
class UObjectLinker
struct FPointer LinkerIndex
int ObjectInternalInteger
int NetIndex
class UObjectOuter
struct FName Name
class UClassClass
class UObjectObjectArchetype
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SDK::UObject
static TArray< UObject * > * GObjects

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAuthReadyDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddAuthReadyDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate AuthReadyDelegate)

◆ AddClientAuthCompleteDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddClientAuthCompleteDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientAuthCompleteDelegate)

◆ AddClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate)

◆ AddClientAuthRequestDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddClientAuthRequestDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientAuthRequestDelegate)

◆ AddClientAuthResponseDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddClientAuthResponseDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientAuthResponseDelegate)

◆ AddClientConnectionCloseDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddClientConnectionCloseDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientConnectionCloseDelegate)

◆ AddServerAuthCompleteDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddServerAuthCompleteDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerAuthCompleteDelegate)

◆ AddServerAuthRequestDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddServerAuthRequestDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerAuthRequestDelegate)

◆ AddServerAuthResponseDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddServerAuthResponseDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerAuthResponseDelegate)

◆ AddServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate)

◆ AddServerConnectionCloseDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AddServerConnectionCloseDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerConnectionCloseDelegate)

◆ AllClientAuthSessions()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AllClientAuthSessions ( struct FAuthSession OutSessionInfo)

◆ AllLocalClientAuthSessions()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AllLocalClientAuthSessions ( struct FLocalAuthSession OutSessionInfo)

◆ AllLocalServerAuthSessions()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AllLocalServerAuthSessions ( struct FLocalAuthSession OutSessionInfo)

◆ AllServerAuthSessions()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::AllServerAuthSessions ( struct FAuthSession OutSessionInfo)

◆ ClearAuthReadyDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearAuthReadyDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate AuthReadyDelegate)

◆ ClearClientAuthCompleteDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearClientAuthCompleteDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientAuthCompleteDelegate)

◆ ClearClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientAuthEndSessionRequestDelegate)

◆ ClearClientAuthRequestDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearClientAuthRequestDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientAuthRequestDelegate)

◆ ClearClientAuthResponseDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearClientAuthResponseDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientAuthResponseDelegate)

◆ ClearClientConnectionCloseDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearClientConnectionCloseDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ClientConnectionCloseDelegate)

◆ ClearServerAuthCompleteDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearServerAuthCompleteDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerAuthCompleteDelegate)

◆ ClearServerAuthRequestDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearServerAuthRequestDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerAuthRequestDelegate)

◆ ClearServerAuthResponseDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearServerAuthResponseDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerAuthResponseDelegate)

◆ ClearServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerAuthRetryRequestDelegate)

◆ ClearServerConnectionCloseDelegate()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::ClearServerConnectionCloseDelegate ( const struct FScriptDelegate ServerConnectionCloseDelegate)

◆ CreateClientAuthSession()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::CreateClientAuthSession ( const struct FUniqueNetId ServerUID,
int  ServerIP,
int  ServerPort,
bool  bSecure,
int *  OutAuthTicketUID 

◆ CreateServerAuthSession()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::CreateServerAuthSession ( const struct FUniqueNetId ClientUID,
int  ClientIP,
int  ClientPort,
int *  OutAuthTicketUID 

◆ EndAllLocalClientAuthSessions()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::EndAllLocalClientAuthSessions ( )

◆ EndAllLocalServerAuthSessions()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::EndAllLocalServerAuthSessions ( )

◆ EndAllRemoteClientAuthSessions()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::EndAllRemoteClientAuthSessions ( )

◆ EndAllRemoteServerAuthSessions()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::EndAllRemoteServerAuthSessions ( )

◆ EndLocalClientAuthSession()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::EndLocalClientAuthSession ( const struct FUniqueNetId ServerUID,
int  ServerIP,
int  ServerPort 

◆ EndLocalServerAuthSession()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::EndLocalServerAuthSession ( const struct FUniqueNetId ClientUID,
int  ClientIP 

◆ EndRemoteClientAuthSession()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::EndRemoteClientAuthSession ( const struct FUniqueNetId ClientUID,
int  ClientIP 

◆ EndRemoteServerAuthSession()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::EndRemoteServerAuthSession ( const struct FUniqueNetId ServerUID,
int  ServerIP 

◆ FindClientAuthSession()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::FindClientAuthSession ( class UPlayer ClientConnection,
struct FAuthSession OutSessionInfo 

◆ FindLocalClientAuthSession()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::FindLocalClientAuthSession ( class UPlayer ServerConnection,
struct FLocalAuthSession OutSessionInfo 

◆ FindLocalServerAuthSession()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::FindLocalServerAuthSession ( class UPlayer ClientConnection,
struct FLocalAuthSession OutSessionInfo 

◆ FindServerAuthSession()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::FindServerAuthSession ( class UPlayer ServerConnection,
struct FAuthSession OutSessionInfo 

◆ GetServerAddr()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::GetServerAddr ( int *  OutServerIP,
int *  OutServerPort 

◆ GetServerUniqueId()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::GetServerUniqueId ( struct FUniqueNetId OutServerUID)

◆ IsReady()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::IsReady ( )

◆ OnAuthReady()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnAuthReady ( )

◆ OnClientAuthComplete()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnClientAuthComplete ( bool  bSuccess,
const struct FUniqueNetId ClientUID,
class UPlayer ClientConnection,
const struct FString ExtraInfo 

◆ OnClientAuthEndSessionRequest()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnClientAuthEndSessionRequest ( class UPlayer ServerConnection)

◆ OnClientAuthRequest()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnClientAuthRequest ( const struct FUniqueNetId ServerUID,
int  ServerIP,
int  ServerPort,
bool  bSecure 

◆ OnClientAuthResponse()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnClientAuthResponse ( const struct FUniqueNetId ClientUID,
int  ClientIP,
int  AuthTicketUID 

◆ OnClientConnectionClose()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnClientConnectionClose ( class UPlayer ClientConnection)

◆ OnServerAuthComplete()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnServerAuthComplete ( bool  bSuccess,
const struct FUniqueNetId ServerUID,
class UPlayer ServerConnection,
const struct FString ExtraInfo 

◆ OnServerAuthRequest()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnServerAuthRequest ( class UPlayer ClientConnection,
const struct FUniqueNetId ClientUID,
int  ClientIP,
int  ClientPort 

◆ OnServerAuthResponse()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnServerAuthResponse ( const struct FUniqueNetId ServerUID,
int  ServerIP,
int  AuthTicketUID 

◆ OnServerAuthRetryRequest()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnServerAuthRetryRequest ( class UPlayer ClientConnection)

◆ OnServerConnectionClose()

void SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::OnServerConnectionClose ( class UPlayer ServerConnection)

◆ SendClientAuthEndSessionRequest()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::SendClientAuthEndSessionRequest ( class UPlayer ClientConnection)

◆ SendClientAuthRequest()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::SendClientAuthRequest ( class UPlayer ClientConnection,
const struct FUniqueNetId ClientUID 

◆ SendClientAuthResponse()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::SendClientAuthResponse ( int  AuthTicketUID)

◆ SendServerAuthRequest()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::SendServerAuthRequest ( const struct FUniqueNetId ServerUID)

◆ SendServerAuthResponse()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::SendServerAuthResponse ( class UPlayer ClientConnection,
int  AuthTicketUID 

◆ SendServerAuthRetryRequest()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::SendServerAuthRetryRequest ( )

◆ StaticClass()

static UClass* SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::StaticClass ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ VerifyClientAuthSession()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::VerifyClientAuthSession ( const struct FUniqueNetId ClientUID,
int  ClientIP,
int  ClientPort,
int  AuthTicketUID 

◆ VerifyServerAuthSession()

bool SDK::UOnlineAuthInterface::VerifyServerAuthSession ( const struct FUniqueNetId ServerUID,
int  ServerIP,
int  AuthTicketUID 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: