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SDK::ALandscape Class Reference

#include <LA_Engine_classes.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SDK::ALandscape:
Collaboration diagram for SDK::ALandscape:

Static Public Member Functions

static UClassStaticClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::ALandscapeProxy
static UClassStaticClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::AInfo
static UClassStaticClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::AActor
static UClassStaticClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::UObject
static TArray< UObject * > & GetGlobalObjects ()
template<typename T >
static T * FindObject (const std::string &name)
static UClassFindClass (const std::string &name)
template<typename T >
static T * GetObjectCasted (std::size_t index)
static UClassStaticClass ()

Public Attributes

TArray< struct FNameLayerNames
TArray< struct FLandscapeLayerInfoLayerInfos
- Public Attributes inherited from SDK::ALandscapeProxy
struct FGuid LandscapeGuid
int MaxLODLevel
class UPhysicalMaterialDefaultPhysMaterial
float StreamingDistanceMultiplier
class UMaterialInterfaceLandscapeMaterial
float LODDistanceFactor
TArray< class ULandscapeComponent * > LandscapeComponents
TArray< class ULandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent * > CollisionComponents
unsigned char UnknownData00 [0x48]
unsigned char UnknownData01 [0x48]
float StaticLightingResolution
class ALandscapeLandscapeActor
unsigned long bIsProxy: 1
unsigned long bIsSetup: 1
unsigned long bResetup: 1
unsigned long bIsMovingToLevel: 1
unsigned long bUseOverridedPhysicalMaterial: 1
struct FLightmassPrimitiveSettings LightmassSettings
int CollisionMipLevel
int MobileLODBias
TArray< struct FLandscapeLayerStructLayerInfoObjs
int ComponentSizeQuads
int SubsectionSizeQuads
int NumSubsections
TArray< struct FOverridePhyMatInfoOverridePhysicalMatInfo
- Public Attributes inherited from SDK::AActor
TEnumAsByte< ETerrainCollisionTypeTerrainColType
TEnumAsByte< EPhysicsPhysics
TEnumAsByte< ENetRoleRemoteRole
TEnumAsByte< ENetRoleRole
TEnumAsByte< ECollisionTypeCollisionType
TEnumAsByte< ECollisionTypeReplicatedCollisionType
unsigned char SkipCollidePawns
TEnumAsByte< ETickingGroupTickGroup
struct FEFColOption ColOption
TArray< class UActorComponent * > Components
TArray< class UActorComponent * > AllComponents
struct FVector Location
struct FRotator Rotation
float DrawScale
struct FVector DrawScale3D
struct FVector PrePivot
struct FColor EditorIconColor
struct FRenderCommandFence DetachFence
float CustomTimeDilation
class AActorOwner
class AActorBase
TArray< struct FTimerDataTimers
unsigned long bStatic: 1
unsigned long bHidden: 1
unsigned long bNoDelete: 1
unsigned long bDeleteMe: 1
unsigned long bTicked: 1
unsigned long bOnlyOwnerSee: 1
unsigned long bTickIsDisabled: 1
unsigned long bWorldGeometry: 1
unsigned long bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns: 1
unsigned long bOrientOnSlope: 1
unsigned long bIgnoreEncroachers: 1
unsigned long bPushedByEncroachers: 1
unsigned long bDestroyedByInterpActor: 1
unsigned long bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic: 1
unsigned long bIsMoving: 1
unsigned long bAlwaysEncroachCheck: 1
unsigned long bHasAlternateTargetLocation: 1
unsigned long bCanStepUpOn: 1
unsigned long bNetTemporary: 1
unsigned long bOnlyRelevantToOwner: 1
unsigned long bNetDirty: 1
unsigned long bAlwaysRelevant: 1
unsigned long bReplicateInstigator: 1
unsigned long bReplicateMovement: 1
unsigned long bSkipActorPropertyReplication: 1
unsigned long bUpdateSimulatedPosition: 1
unsigned long bTearOff: 1
unsigned long bOnlyDirtyReplication: 1
unsigned long bAllowFluidSurfaceInteraction: 1
unsigned long bDemoRecording: 1
unsigned long bDemoOwner: 1
unsigned long bForceDemoRelevant: 1
unsigned long bNetInitialRotation: 1
unsigned long bReplicateRigidBodyLocation: 1
unsigned long bKillDuringLevelTransition: 1
unsigned long bExchangedRoles: 1
unsigned long bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming: 1
unsigned long bDebug: 1
unsigned long bPostRenderIfNotVisible: 1
unsigned long bForceNetUpdate: 1
unsigned long bPendingNetUpdate: 1
unsigned long bHardAttach: 1
unsigned long bIgnoreBaseRotation: 1
unsigned long bShadowParented: 1
unsigned long bSkipAttachedMoves: 1
unsigned long bCanBeAdheredTo: 1
unsigned long bCanBeFrictionedTo: 1
unsigned long bHurtEntry: 1
unsigned long bGameRelevant: 1
unsigned long bMovable: 1
unsigned long bDestroyInPainVolume: 1
unsigned long bCanBeDamaged: 1
unsigned long bShouldBaseAtStartup: 1
unsigned long bPendingDelete: 1
unsigned long bCanTeleport: 1
unsigned long bAlwaysTick: 1
unsigned long bBlocksNavigation: 1
unsigned long BlockRigidBody: 1
unsigned long bCollideWhenPlacing: 1
unsigned long bCollideActors: 1
unsigned long bCollideWorld: 1
unsigned long bCollideComplex: 1
unsigned long bBlockActors: 1
unsigned long bProjTarget: 1
unsigned long bBlocksTeleport: 1
unsigned long bMoveIgnoresDestruction: 1
unsigned long bProjectileMoveSingleBlocking: 1
unsigned long bNoEncroachCheck: 1
unsigned long bCollideAsEncroacher: 1
unsigned long bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck: 1
unsigned long bComponentOutsideWorld: 1
unsigned long bForceOctreeSNFilter: 1
unsigned long bForceOctreeMNFilter: 1
unsigned long bRigidBodyWasAwake: 1
unsigned long bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents: 1
unsigned long bBounce: 1
unsigned long bJustTeleported: 1
unsigned long bEnableMobileTouch: 1
unsigned long bNetInitial: 1
unsigned long bNetOwner: 1
unsigned long bHiddenEd: 1
unsigned long bEditable: 1
unsigned long bHiddenEdGroup: 1
unsigned long bHiddenEdLayer: 1
unsigned long bHiddenEdCustom: 1
unsigned long bHiddenEdTemporary: 1
unsigned long bHiddenEdLevel: 1
unsigned long bHiddenEdScene: 1
unsigned long bEdShouldSnap: 1
unsigned long bTempEditor: 1
unsigned long bPathColliding: 1
unsigned long bPathTemp: 1
unsigned long bScriptInitialized: 1
unsigned long bLockLocation: 1
unsigned long bForceAllowKismetModification: 1
unsigned long bSelectInGame: 1
unsigned long bOverrideGlobalMaxDrawDistance: 1
unsigned long bExceptUnTouchActivate_BySeqEventTouch: 1
unsigned long bIgnoreShowByToggleHidden: 1
unsigned long bDebugEffectIsRelevant: 1
int SkelMeshCompTickTag
int NetTag
float NetUpdateTime
float NetUpdateFrequency
float NetPriority
float LastNetUpdateTime
float TimeSinceLastTick
class APawnInstigator
class AWorldInfoWorldInfo
float LifeSpan
float CreationTime
float LastRenderTime
struct FName Tag
struct FName InitialState
struct FName Layer
struct FName Group
struct FQWord HiddenEditorViews
TArray< class AActor * > Touching
TArray< class AActor * > Children
float LatentFloat
class UAnimNodeSequenceLatentSeqNode
class APhysicsVolumePhysicsVolume
struct FVector Velocity
struct FVector Acceleration
struct FVector AngularVelocity
class USkeletalMeshComponentBaseSkelComponent
struct FName BaseBoneName
TArray< class AActor * > Attached
struct FVector RelativeLocation
struct FRotator RelativeRotation
class UPrimitiveComponentCollisionComponent
int OverlapTag
struct FRotator RotationRate
class AActorPendingTouch
TArray< class UActorComponent * > AllAkComponents
struct FQWord EFObjectUid
struct FQWord PrimitiveRenderMask
struct FVector InterpRMTranslation
struct FRotator InterpRMRotation
class UClassMessageClass
TArray< class UClass * > SupportedEvents
TArray< class USequenceEvent * > GeneratedEvents
TArray< class USeqAct_Latent * > LatentActions
- Public Attributes inherited from SDK::UObject
struct FPointer VfTableObject
struct FQWord ObjectFlags
struct FPointer StateFrame
class UObjectLinker
struct FPointer LinkerIndex
int ObjectInternalInteger
int NetIndex
class UObjectOuter
struct FName Name
class UClassClass
class UObjectObjectArchetype

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::AActor
class USpriteComponentGetActorSpriteComponent ()
int GetActorMetrics (TEnumAsByte< EActorMetricsType > MetricsType)
bool OnMobileTouch (class APlayerController *InPC, const struct FVector2D &TouchLocation)
bool IsMobileTouchEnabled ()
bool ShouldBeHiddenBySHOW_NavigationNodes ()
bool WillOverlap (const struct FVector &PosA, const struct FVector &VelA, const struct FVector &PosB, const struct FVector &VelB, float StepSize, float Radius, float *Time)
struct FVector GetAvoidanceVector (const struct FVector &GoalLocation, float CollisionRadius, float MaxSpeed, int NumSamples, float VelocityStepRate, float MaxTimeTilOverlap, TArray< class AActor * > *Obstacles)
void ReplicationEnded ()
void PostDemoRewind ()
void AnimTreeUpdated (class USkeletalMeshComponent *SkelMesh)
bool SupportsKismetModification (class USequenceOp *AskingOp, struct FString *Reason)
class UParticleSystemGetAnimTrailParticleSystem (class UAnimNotify_Trails *AnimNotifyData)
void TrailsNotifyEnd (class UAnimNotify_Trails *AnimNotifyData)
void TrailsNotifyTick (class UAnimNotify_Trails *AnimNotifyData)
void TrailsNotify (class UAnimNotify_Trails *AnimNotifyData)
bool CreateForceField (class UAnimNotify_ForceField *AnimNotifyData)
bool PlayParticleEffect (class UAnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect *AnimNotifyData)
void GetAimAdhesionExtent (float *Width, float *Height, struct FVector *Center)
void GetAimFrictionExtent (float *Width, float *Height, struct FVector *Center)
bool IsInPersistentLevel (bool bIncludeLevelStreamingPersistent)
void OnRigidBodySpringOverextension (class URB_BodyInstance *BodyInstance)
struct FGuid STATIC_GetPackageGuid (const struct FName &PackageName)
void PostInitAnimTree (class USkeletalMeshComponent *SkelComp)
void RootMotionExtracted (class USkeletalMeshComponent *SkelComp, struct FBoneAtom *ExtractedRootMotionDelta)
void RootMotionProcessed (class USkeletalMeshComponent *SkelComp)
void RootMotionModeChanged (class USkeletalMeshComponent *SkelComp)
void PostRenderFor (class APlayerController *PC, class UCanvas *Canvas, const struct FVector &CameraPosition, const struct FVector &CameraDir)
void NativePostRenderFor (class APlayerController *PC, class UCanvas *Canvas, const struct FVector &CameraPosition, const struct FVector &CameraDir)
void SetHUDLocation (const struct FVector &NewHUDLocation)
void OnRanOver (class ASVehicle *Vehicle, class UPrimitiveComponent *RunOverComponent, int WheelIndex)
void RigidBodyCollision (class UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, class UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComponent, int ContactIndex, struct FCollisionImpactData *RigidCollisionData)
void InterpolationChanged (class USeqAct_Interp *InterpAction)
void InterpolationFinished (class USeqAct_Interp *InterpAction)
void InterpolationStarted (class USeqAct_Interp *InterpAction, class UInterpGroupInst *GroupInst)
void SpawnedByKismet ()
struct FVector GetTargetLocation (class AActor *RequestedBy, bool bRequestAlternateLoc)
void FindGoodEndView (class APlayerController *PC, struct FRotator *GoodRotation)
void NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived ()
unsigned char ScriptGetTeamNum ()
unsigned char GetTeamNum ()
void PawnBaseDied ()
bool IsPlayerOwned ()
void GetActorEyesViewPoint (struct FVector *out_Location, struct FRotator *out_Rotation)
bool IsStationary ()
class UFaceFXAssetGetActorFaceFXAsset ()
bool CanActorPlayFaceFXAnim ()
bool IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim ()
void TickSkelControl (float DeltaTime, class USkeletalMeshComponent *SkelComp, class USkelControlBase *SkelCtrl)
void SetSkelControlScale (const struct FName &SkelControlName, float Scale)
void SetMorphWeight (const struct FName &MorphNodeName, float MorphWeight)
void StopActorFaceFXAnim ()
bool PlayActorFaceFXAnim (class UFaceFXAnimSet *AnimSet, const struct FString &GroupName, const struct FString &SeqName, class USoundCue *SoundCueToPlay, class UAkEvent *AkEventToPlay)
void FinishAnimControl (class UInterpGroup *InInterpGroup)
void SetAnimPosition (const struct FName &SlotName, int ChannelIndex, const struct FName &InAnimSeqName, float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies, bool bLooping, bool bEnableRootMotion, const struct FPointer &pRootBoneOption, const struct FPointer &pRootBoneRotationOption)
void BeginAnimControl (class UInterpGroup *InInterpGroup)
void OnAnimPlay (class UAnimNodeSequence *SeqNode)
void OnAnimEnd (class UAnimNodeSequence *SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime)
void DoKismetAttachment (class AActor *Attachment, class USeqAct_AttachToActor *Action)
void OnAttachToActor (class USeqAct_AttachToActor *Action)
void OnToggleHidden (class USeqAct_ToggleHidden *Action)
void OnChangeCollision (class USeqAct_ChangeCollision *Action)
void OnSetPhysics (class USeqAct_SetPhysics *Action)
void OnSetBlockRigidBody (class USeqAct_SetBlockRigidBody *Action)
void OnSetVelocity (class USeqAct_SetVelocity *Action)
void OnTeleport (class USeqAct_Teleport *Action)
void OnModifyHealth (class USeqAct_ModifyHealth *Action)
void PrestreamTextures (float Seconds, bool bEnableStreaming, int CinematicTextureGroups)
void ShutDown ()
void SetNetUpdateTime (float NewUpdateTime)
void ForceNetRelevant ()
void OnDestroy (class USeqAct_Destroy *Action)
void ClearLatentAction (class UClass *actionClass, bool bAborted, class USeqAct_Latent *exceptionAction)
bool FindEventsOfClass (class UClass *EventClass, bool bIncludeDisabled, TArray< class USequenceEvent * > *out_EventList)
bool ActivateEventClass (class UClass *InClass, class AActor *InInstigator, bool bTest, TArray< class USequenceEvent * > *EventList, TArray< int > *ActivateIndices, TArray< class USequenceEvent * > *ActivatedEvents)
bool TriggerGlobalEventClass (class UClass *InEventClass, class AActor *InInstigator, int ActivateIndex)
void ReceivedNewEvent (class USequenceEvent *Evt)
bool TriggerEventClass (class UClass *InEventClass, class AActor *InInstigator, int ActivateIndex, bool bTest, TArray< class USequenceEvent * > *ActivatedEvents)
void DebugMessagePlayer (const struct FString &msg)
bool ImpactEffectIsRelevant (class APawn *EffectInstigator, const struct FVector &SpawnLocation, bool bForceDedicated, float VisibleCullDistance, float HiddenCullDistance, bool bSkipLOSCheck)
bool ActorEffectIsRelevant (class APawn *EffectInstigator, bool bForceDedicated, float VisibleCullDistance, float HiddenCullDistance)
bool EffectIsRelevant (const struct FVector &SpawnLocation, bool bForceDedicated, float VisibleCullDistance, float HiddenCullDistance)
void ApplyFluidSurfaceContinuousForce (class AFluidSurfaceActor *Fluid)
void ApplyFluidSurfaceImpact (class AFluidSurfaceActor *Fluid, struct FVector *HitLocation)
bool CanSplash ()
void PlayTeleportEffect (bool bOut, bool bSound)
bool IsInPain ()
void Reset ()
class UAudioComponentGetFaceFXAudioComponent ()
void ModifyHearSoundComponent (class UAudioComponent *AC)
struct FString GetPhysicsName ()
void DisplayDebug (class AHUD *HUD, float *out_YL, float *out_YPos)
struct FString GetDebugName ()
void MatchStarting ()
struct FString STATIC_GetLocalString (int Switch, class APlayerReplicationInfo *RelatedPRI_2, class APlayerReplicationInfo *RelatedPRI_3)
void STATIC_ReplaceText (const struct FString &Replace, const struct FString &With, struct FString *Text)
struct FString GetHumanReadableName ()
struct FString GetItemName (const struct FString &FullName)
bool CalcCamera (float fDeltaTime, struct FVector *out_CamLoc, struct FRotator *out_CamRot, float *out_FOV)
void EndViewTarget (class APlayerController *PC)
void BecomeViewTarget (class APlayerController *PC)
bool CheckForErrors ()
void DebugFreezeGame (class AActor *ActorToLookAt)
float GetGravityZ ()
void CheckHitInfo (class UPrimitiveComponent *FallBackComponent, const struct FVector &Dir, struct FTraceHitInfo *HitInfo, struct FVector *out_HitLocation)
void TakeRadiusDamage (class AController *InstigatedBy, float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class UClass *DamageType, float Momentum, const struct FVector &HurtOrigin, bool bFullDamage, class AActor *DamageCauser, float DamageFalloffExponent)
bool HealDamage (int Amount, class AController *Healer, class UClass *DamageType)
void TakeDamage (int DamageAmount, class AController *EventInstigator, const struct FVector &HitLocation, const struct FVector &Momentum, class UClass *DamageType, const struct FTraceHitInfo &HitInfo, class AActor *DamageCauser)
void KilledBy (class APawn *EventInstigator)
bool HurtRadius (float BaseDamage, float DamageRadius, class UClass *DamageType, float Momentum, const struct FVector &HurtOrigin, class AActor *IgnoredActor, class AController *InstigatedByController, bool bDoFullDamage)
bool StopsProjectile (class AProjectile *P)
void NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit (class USkelControlLookAt *LookAt)
void ConstraintBrokenNotify (class AActor *ConOwner, class URB_ConstraintSetup *ConSetup, class URB_ConstraintInstance *ConInstance)
void SetInitialState ()
void PostBeginPlay ()
void BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage (int TeamIndex, class UClass *InMessageClass, int Switch, class APlayerReplicationInfo *RelatedPRI_2, class APlayerReplicationInfo *RelatedPRI_3, class UObject *OptionalObject)
void BroadcastLocalizedMessage (class UClass *InMessageClass, int Switch, class APlayerReplicationInfo *RelatedPRI_2, class APlayerReplicationInfo *RelatedPRI_3, class UObject *OptionalObject)
void PreBeginPlay ()
class APlayerControllerGetALocalPlayerController ()
void LocalPlayerControllers (class UClass *BaseClass, class APlayerController **PC)
void AllOwnedComponents (class UClass *BaseClass, class UActorComponent **OutComponent)
void ComponentList (class UClass *BaseClass, class UActorComponent **out_Component)
void OverlappingActors (class UClass *BaseClass, float Radius, const struct FVector &Loc, bool bIgnoreHidden, class AActor **out_Actor)
void CollidingActors (class UClass *BaseClass, float Radius, const struct FVector &Loc, bool bUseOverlapCheck, class UClass *InterfaceClass, class AActor **Actor, struct FTraceHitInfo *HitInfo)
void VisibleCollidingActors (class UClass *BaseClass, float Radius, const struct FVector &Loc, bool bIgnoreHidden, const struct FVector &Extent, bool bTraceActors, class UClass *InterfaceClass, class AActor **Actor, struct FTraceHitInfo *HitInfo)
void VisibleActors (class UClass *BaseClass, float Radius, const struct FVector &Loc, class AActor **Actor)
void TraceActors (class UClass *BaseClass, const struct FVector &End, const struct FVector &Start, const struct FVector &Extent, int ExtraTraceFlags, class AActor **Actor, struct FVector *HitLoc, struct FVector *HitNorm, struct FTraceHitInfo *HitInfo)
void TouchingActors (class UClass *BaseClass, class AActor **Actor)
void BasedActors (class UClass *BaseClass, class AActor **Actor)
void ChildActors (class UClass *BaseClass, class AActor **Actor)
void DynamicActors (class UClass *BaseClass, class UClass *InterfaceClass, class AActor **Actor)
void AllActors (class UClass *BaseClass, class UClass *InterfaceClass, class AActor **Actor)
struct FString GetURLMap ()
void PostTeleport (class ATeleporter *OutTeleporter)
bool PreTeleport (class ATeleporter *InTeleporter)
struct FVector GetDestination (class AController *C)
bool CalculateMinSpeedTrajectory (const struct FVector &End, const struct FVector &Start, float MaxTossSpeed, float MinTossSpeed, const struct FVector &CollisionSize, float TerminalVelocity, float GravityZ, bool bOnlyTraceUp, struct FVector *out_Velocity)
bool SuggestTossVelocity (const struct FVector &Destination, const struct FVector &Start, float TossSpeed, float BaseTossZ, float DesiredZPct, const struct FVector &CollisionSize, float TerminalVelocity, float OverrideGravityZ, bool bOnlyTraceUp, struct FVector *TossVelocity)
bool PlayerCanSeeMe (bool bForceLOSCheck)
void MakeNoise (float Loudness, const struct FName &NoiseType)
void ActivateOcclusion (bool bInActivate)
void PostTrigger (const struct FName &InTrigger)
void SetSwitch (const struct FName &InSwitchGroup, const struct FName &InSwitch)
void SetState (const struct FName &InStateGroup, const struct FName &InState)
void SetRTPCValue (const struct FName &InRTPC, float targetvalue)
void PostAkEventOnBone (class UAkEvent *InAkEvent, const struct FName &BoneName)
void PostAkEvent (class UAkEvent *InAkEvent)
void PlaySoundBase (class UAkBaseSoundObject *InSoundCue, bool bNotReplicated, bool bNoRepToOwner, bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, const struct FVector &SoundLocation, bool bNoRepToRelevant)
void PlayAkEvent (class UAkEvent *InSoundCue, bool bNotReplicated, bool bNoRepToOwner, bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, const struct FVector &SoundLocation, bool bNoRepToRelevant)
void PlaySound (class USoundCue *InSoundCue, bool bNotReplicated, bool bNoRepToOwner, bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, const struct FVector &SoundLocation, bool bNoRepToRelevant)
class UAudioComponentCreateAudioComponent (class USoundCue *InSoundCue, bool bPlay, bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, bool bUseLocation, const struct FVector &SourceLocation, bool bAttachToSelf)
void ResetTimerTimeDilation (const struct FName &TimerName, class UObject *inObj)
void ModifyTimerTimeDilation (const struct FName &TimerName, float InTimerTimeDilation, class UObject *inObj)
float GetRemainingTimeForTimer (const struct FName &TimerFuncName, class UObject *inObj)
float GetTimerRate (const struct FName &TimerFuncName, class UObject *inObj)
float GetTimerCount (const struct FName &inTimerFunc, class UObject *inObj)
bool IsTimerActive (const struct FName &inTimerFunc, class UObject *inObj)
void PauseTimer (bool bPause, const struct FName &inTimerFunc, class UObject *inObj)
void ClearAllTimers (class UObject *inObj)
void ClearTimer (const struct FName &inTimerFunc, class UObject *inObj)
void SetTimer (float InRate, bool inbLoop, const struct FName &inTimerFunc, class UObject *inObj)
void TornOff ()
bool Destroy ()
class AActorSpawn (class UClass *SpawnClass, class AActor *SpawnOwner, const struct FName &SpawnTag, const struct FVector &SpawnLocation, const struct FRotator &SpawnRotation, class AActor *ActorTemplate, bool bNoCollisionFail)
bool IsBlockedBy (class AActor *Other)
void GetBoundingCylinder (float *CollisionRadius, float *CollisionHeight)
void GetComponentsBoundingBox (struct FBox *ActorBox)
bool IsOverlapping (class AActor *A)
bool ContainsPoint (const struct FVector &Spot)
bool FindSpot (const struct FVector &BoxExtent, struct FVector *SpotLocation)
bool TraceAllPhysicsAssetInteractions (class USkeletalMeshComponent *SkelMeshComp, const struct FVector &EndTrace, const struct FVector &StartTrace, const struct FVector &Extent, TArray< struct FImpactInfo > *out_Hits)
bool FastTrace (const struct FVector &TraceEnd, const struct FVector &TraceStart, const struct FVector &BoxExtent, bool bTraceBullet)
bool PointCheckComponent (class UPrimitiveComponent *InComponent, const struct FVector &PointLocation, const struct FVector &PointExtent)
bool TraceComponent (class UPrimitiveComponent *InComponent, const struct FVector &TraceEnd, const struct FVector &TraceStart, const struct FVector &Extent, bool bComplexCollision, struct FVector *HitLocation, struct FVector *HitNormal, struct FTraceHitInfo *HitInfo)
class AActorTrace (const struct FVector &TraceEnd, const struct FVector &TraceStart, bool bTraceActors, const struct FVector &Extent, int ExtraTraceFlags, struct FVector *HitLocation, struct FVector *HitNormal, struct FTraceHitInfo *HitInfo)
void VolumeBasedDestroy (class APhysicsVolume *PV)
void OutsideWorldBounds ()
void FellOutOfWorld (class UClass *dmgType)
bool UsedBy (class APawn *User)
bool OverRotated (struct FRotator *out_Desired, struct FRotator *out_Actual)
bool ClampRotation (const struct FRotator &rBase, const struct FRotator &rUpperLimits, const struct FRotator &rLowerLimits, struct FRotator *out_Rot)
void OnSleepRBPhysics ()
void OnWakeRBPhysics ()
void RanInto (class AActor *Other)
void EncroachedBy (class AActor *Other)
bool EncroachingOn (class AActor *Other)
void CollisionChanged ()
class AActorSpecialHandling (class APawn *Other)
void Detach (class AActor *Other)
void Attach (class AActor *Other)
void BaseChange ()
void Bump (class AActor *Other, class UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, const struct FVector &HitNormal)
void UnTouch (class AActor *Other)
void PostTouch (class AActor *Other)
void Touch (class AActor *Other, class UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, const struct FVector &HitLocation, const struct FVector &HitNormal)
void PhysicsVolumeChange (class APhysicsVolume *NewVolume)
void Landed (const struct FVector &HitNormal, class AActor *FloorActor)
void Falling ()
void HitWall (const struct FVector &HitNormal, class AActor *Wall, class UPrimitiveComponent *WallComp)
void Timer ()
void Tick (float DeltaTime)
void LostChild (class AActor *Other)
void GainedChild (class AActor *Other)
void Destroyed ()
void SetTickIsDisabled (bool bInDisabled)
void SetTickGroup (TEnumAsByte< ETickingGroup > NewTickGroup)
void ReattachComponent (class UActorComponent *ComponentToReattach)
void DetachComponent (class UActorComponent *ExComponent)
void AttachComponent (class UActorComponent *NewComponent)
void UnClock (float *Time)
void Clock (float *Time)
void SetPhysics (TEnumAsByte< EPhysics > newPhysics)
void SetOnlyOwnerSee (bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee)
void SetHidden (bool bNewHidden)
void ChartData (const struct FString &DataName, float DataValue)
void STATIC_FlushDebugStrings ()
void STATIC_DrawDebugFrustrum (unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, bool bPersistentLines, struct FMatrix *FrustumToWorld)
void STATIC_DrawDebugString (const struct FVector &TextLocation, const struct FString &Text, class AActor *TestBaseActor, const struct FColor &TextColor, float Duration)
void STATIC_DrawDebugCone (const struct FVector &Origin, const struct FVector &Direction, float Length, float AngleWidth, float AngleHeight, int NumSides, const struct FColor &DrawColor, bool bPersistentLines)
void STATIC_DrawDebugCylinder (const struct FVector &Start, const struct FVector &End, float Radius, int Segments, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, bool bPersistentLines)
void STATIC_DrawDebugSphere (const struct FVector &Center, float Radius, int Segments, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, bool bPersistentLines)
void STATIC_DrawDebugCoordinateSystem (const struct FVector &AxisLoc, const struct FRotator &AxisRot, float Scale, bool bPersistentLines)
void STATIC_DrawDebugStar (const struct FVector &Position, float Size, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, bool bPersistentLines)
void STATIC_DrawDebugBox (const struct FVector &Center, const struct FVector &Extent, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, bool bPersistentLines)
void STATIC_DrawDebugPoint (const struct FVector &Position, float Size, const struct FLinearColor &PointColor, bool bPersistentLines)
void STATIC_DrawDebugLine (const struct FVector &LineStart, const struct FVector &LineEnd, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, bool bPersistentLines)
void STATIC_FlushPersistentDebugLines ()
struct FVector STATIC_GetBasedPosition (const struct FBasedPosition &BP)
void STATIC_SetBasedPosition (const struct FVector &pos, class AActor *ForcedBase, struct FBasedPosition *BP)
struct FVector STATIC_BP2Vect (const struct FBasedPosition &BP)
void STATIC_Vect2BP (const struct FVector &pos, class AActor *ForcedBase, struct FBasedPosition *BP)
void SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty (class UProperty *PropToReplicate, bool bAdd)
void ReplicatedEvent (const struct FName &VarName)
struct FVector GetAggregateBaseVelocity (class AActor *TestBase)
bool IsOwnedBy (class AActor *TestActor)
class AActorGetBaseMost ()
bool IsBasedOn (class AActor *TestActor)
void SearchForBaseBelow (float HeightBelow, class AActor **NewBase, struct FVector *HitNormal)
void FindBase ()
void SetOwner (class AActor *NewOwner)
void SetBase (class AActor *NewBase, const struct FVector &NewFloor, class USkeletalMeshComponent *SkelComp, const struct FName &AttachName)
float GetTerminalVelocity ()
void AutonomousPhysics (float DeltaSeconds)
bool MoveSmooth (const struct FVector &Delta)
int fixedTurn (int Current, int Desired, int DeltaRate)
void SetShadowParentOnAllAttachedComponents (class UPrimitiveComponent *MyPrimComp, class ULightEnvironmentComponent *MyLightEnv)
void SetHardAttach (bool bNewHardAttach)
bool SetRelativeLocation (const struct FVector &NewLocation)
bool SetRelativeRotation (const struct FRotator &NewRotation)
void SetZone (bool bForceRefresh)
TEnumAsByte< EMoveDirMovingWhichWay (float *Amount)
bool SetRotation (const struct FRotator &NewRotation)
bool SetLocation (const struct FVector &NewLocation)
bool Move (const struct FVector &Delta)
void SetDrawScale3D (const struct FVector &NewScale3D)
void SetDrawScale (float NewScale)
void SetCollisionType (TEnumAsByte< ECollisionType > NewCollisionType)
void SetCollisionSize (float NewRadius, float NewHeight)
void SetCollision (bool bNewColActors, bool bNewBlockActors, bool bNewIgnoreEncroachers)
void FinishAnim (class UAnimNodeSequence *SeqNode, bool bFinishOnBlendOut)
void Sleep (float Seconds)
struct FString ConsoleCommand (const struct FString &Command, bool bWriteToLog)
void ForceUpdateComponents (bool bCollisionUpdate, bool bTransformOnly)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SDK::UObject
std::string UObject::GetName () const
std::string GetFullName () const
bool IsA (UClass *cmp) const
void ProcessEvent (class UFunction *function, void *parms)
void STATIC_ProfNodeEvent (const struct FString &EventName)
void STATIC_ProfNodeSetDepthThreshold (int Depth)
void STATIC_ProfNodeSetTimeThresholdSeconds (float Threshold)
void STATIC_ProfNodeStop (int AssumedTimerIndex)
int STATIC_ProfNodeStart (const struct FString &TimerName)
struct FString STATIC_GetStringFromGuid (struct FGuid *InGuid)
struct FGuid STATIC_GetGuidFromString (struct FString *InGuidString)
struct FGuid STATIC_CreateGuid ()
bool STATIC_IsGuidValid (struct FGuid *InGuid)
void STATIC_InvalidateGuid (struct FGuid *InGuid)
struct FString STATIC_GetLanguage ()
int GetRandomOptionSumFrequency (TArray< float > *FreqList)
int GetBuildChangelistNumber ()
int GetEngineVersion ()
void GetSystemTime (int *Year, int *Month, int *DayOfWeek, int *Day, int *Hour, int *Min, int *Sec, int *MSec)
struct FString TimeStamp ()
struct FVector TransformVectorByRotation (const struct FRotator &SourceRotation, const struct FVector &SourceVector, bool bInverse)
struct FName GetPackageName ()
bool IsPendingKill ()
float ByteToFloat (unsigned char inputByte, bool bSigned)
unsigned char FloatToByte (float inputFloat, bool bSigned)
float STATIC_UnwindHeading (float A)
float STATIC_FindDeltaAngle (float A1, float A2)
float STATIC_GetHeadingAngle (const struct FVector &Dir)
void STATIC_GetAngularDegreesFromRadians (struct FVector2D *OutFOV)
void STATIC_GetAngularFromDotDist (const struct FVector2D &DotDist, struct FVector2D *OutAngDist)
bool STATIC_GetAngularDistance (const struct FVector &Direction, const struct FVector &AxisX, const struct FVector &AxisY, const struct FVector &AxisZ, struct FVector2D *OutAngularDist)
bool STATIC_GetDotDistance (const struct FVector &Direction, const struct FVector &AxisX, const struct FVector &AxisY, const struct FVector &AxisZ, struct FVector2D *OutDotDist)
struct FVector STATIC_PointProjectToPlane (const struct FVector &Point, const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B, const struct FVector &C)
float PointDistToPlane (const struct FVector &Point, const struct FRotator &Orientation, const struct FVector &Origin, struct FVector *out_ClosestPoint)
float PointDistToSegment (const struct FVector &Point, const struct FVector &StartPoint, const struct FVector &EndPoint, struct FVector *OutClosestPoint)
float PointDistToLine (const struct FVector &Point, const struct FVector &Line, const struct FVector &Origin, struct FVector *OutClosestPoint)
bool STATIC_GetPerObjectConfigSections (class UClass *SearchClass, class UObject *ObjectOuter, int MaxResults, TArray< struct FString > *out_SectionNames)
void STATIC_ImportJSON (const struct FString &PropertyName, struct FString *JSON)
void STATIC_StaticSaveConfig ()
void SaveConfig ()
class UObjectSTATIC_FindObject (const struct FString &ObjectName, class UClass *ObjectClass)
class UObjectSTATIC_DynamicLoadObject (const struct FString &ObjectName, class UClass *ObjectClass, bool MayFail)
int STATIC_EnumFromString (class UObject *E, const struct FName &ValueName)
struct FName STATIC_GetEnum (class UObject *E, int I)
void Disable (const struct FName &ProbeFunc)
void Enable (const struct FName &ProbeFunc)
void ContinuedState ()
void PausedState ()
void PoppedState ()
void PushedState ()
void EndState (const struct FName &NextStateName)
void BeginState (const struct FName &PreviousStateName)
void DumpStateStack ()
void PopState (bool bPopAll)
void PushState (const struct FName &NewState, const struct FName &NewLabel)
struct FName GetStateName ()
bool IsChildState (const struct FName &TestState, const struct FName &TestParentState)
bool IsInState (const struct FName &TestState, bool bTestStateStack)
void GotoState (const struct FName &NewState, const struct FName &Label, bool bForceEvents, bool bKeepStack)
bool STATIC_IsUTracing ()
void STATIC_SetUTracing (bool bShouldUTrace)
struct FName STATIC_GetFuncName ()
void STATIC_DebugBreak (int UserFlags, TEnumAsByte< EDebugBreakType > DebuggerType)
struct FString STATIC_GetScriptTrace ()
void STATIC_ScriptTrace ()
struct FString STATIC_ParseLocalizedPropertyPath (const struct FString &PathName)
struct FString STATIC_Localize (const struct FString &SectionName, const struct FString &KeyName, const struct FString &PackageName)
void STATIC_WarnInternal (const struct FString &S)
void STATIC_LogInternal (const struct FString &S, const struct FName &Tag)
struct FLinearColor STATIC_Subtract_LinearColorLinearColor (const struct FLinearColor &A, const struct FLinearColor &B)
struct FLinearColor STATIC_Multiply_LinearColorFloat (const struct FLinearColor &LC, float Mult)
struct FLinearColor STATIC_ColorToLinearColor (const struct FColor &OldColor)
struct FLinearColor STATIC_MakeLinearColor (float R, float G, float B, float A)
struct FColor STATIC_LerpColor (const struct FColor &A, const struct FColor &B, float Alpha)
struct FColor STATIC_MakeColor (unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, unsigned char A)
struct FColor STATIC_Add_ColorColor (const struct FColor &A, const struct FColor &B)
struct FColor STATIC_Multiply_ColorFloat (const struct FColor &A, float B)
struct FColor STATIC_Multiply_FloatColor (float A, const struct FColor &B)
struct FColor STATIC_Subtract_ColorColor (const struct FColor &A, const struct FColor &B)
struct FVector2D STATIC_EvalInterpCurveVector2D (float InVal, struct FInterpCurveVector2D *Vector2DCurve)
struct FVector STATIC_EvalInterpCurveVector (float InVal, struct FInterpCurveVector *VectorCurve)
float STATIC_EvalInterpCurveFloat (float InVal, struct FInterpCurveFloat *FloatCurve)
struct FVector2D STATIC_vect2d (float InX, float InY)
float STATIC_GetMappedRangeValue (const struct FVector2D &InputRange, const struct FVector2D &OutputRange, float Value)
float STATIC_GetRangePctByValue (const struct FVector2D &Range, float Value)
float STATIC_GetRangeValueByPct (const struct FVector2D &Range, float Pct)
struct FVector2D STATIC_SubtractEqual_Vector2DVector2D (const struct FVector2D &B, struct FVector2D *A)
struct FVector2D STATIC_AddEqual_Vector2DVector2D (const struct FVector2D &B, struct FVector2D *A)
struct FVector2D STATIC_DivideEqual_Vector2DFloat (float B, struct FVector2D *A)
struct FVector2D STATIC_MultiplyEqual_Vector2DFloat (float B, struct FVector2D *A)
struct FVector2D STATIC_Divide_Vector2DFloat (const struct FVector2D &A, float B)
struct FVector2D STATIC_Multiply_Vector2DFloat (const struct FVector2D &A, float B)
struct FVector2D STATIC_Subtract_Vector2DVector2D (const struct FVector2D &A, const struct FVector2D &B)
struct FVector2D STATIC_Add_Vector2DVector2D (const struct FVector2D &A, const struct FVector2D &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_Subtract_QuatQuat (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_Add_QuatQuat (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatSlerp (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B, float Alpha, bool bShortestPath)
struct FRotator STATIC_QuatToRotator (const struct FQuat &A)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatFromRotator (const struct FRotator &A)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatFromAxisAndAngle (const struct FVector &Axis, float Angle)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatFindBetween (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_QuatRotateVector (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatInvert (const struct FQuat &A)
float STATIC_QuatDot (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B)
struct FQuat STATIC_QuatProduct (const struct FQuat &A, const struct FQuat &B)
struct FVector STATIC_MatrixGetAxis (const struct FMatrix &TM, TEnumAsByte< EAxis > Axis)
struct FVector STATIC_MatrixGetOrigin (const struct FMatrix &TM)
struct FRotator STATIC_MatrixGetRotator (const struct FMatrix &TM)
struct FMatrix STATIC_MakeRotationMatrix (const struct FRotator &Rotation)
struct FMatrix STATIC_MakeRotationTranslationMatrix (const struct FVector &Translation, const struct FRotator &Rotation)
struct FVector STATIC_InverseTransformNormal (const struct FMatrix &TM, const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_TransformNormal (const struct FMatrix &TM, const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_InverseTransformVector (const struct FMatrix &TM, const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_TransformVector (const struct FMatrix &TM, const struct FVector &A)
struct FMatrix STATIC_Multiply_MatrixMatrix (const struct FMatrix &A, const struct FMatrix &B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_NameName (const struct FName &A, const struct FName &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_NameName (const struct FName &A, const struct FName &B)
bool IsA (const struct FName &ClassName)
bool STATIC_ClassIsChildOf (class UClass *TestClass, class UClass *ParentClass)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_InterfaceInterface (const TScriptInterface< class UInterface > &A, const TScriptInterface< class UInterface > &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_InterfaceInterface (const TScriptInterface< class UInterface > &A, const TScriptInterface< class UInterface > &B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_ObjectObject (class UObject *A, class UObject *B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_ObjectObject (class UObject *A, class UObject *B)
struct FString STATIC_PathName (class UObject *CheckObject)
TArray< struct FStringSTATIC_SplitString (const struct FString &Source, const struct FString &Delimiter, bool bCullEmpty)
void STATIC_ParseStringIntoArray (const struct FString &BaseString, const struct FString &delim, bool bCullEmpty, TArray< struct FString > *Pieces)
void STATIC_JoinArray (TArray< struct FString > StringArray, const struct FString &delim, bool bIgnoreBlanks, struct FString *out_Result)
struct FString STATIC_GetRightMost (const struct FString &Text)
struct FString STATIC_Split (const struct FString &Text, const struct FString &SplitStr, bool bOmitSplitStr)
struct FString STATIC_Repl (const struct FString &Src, const struct FString &Match, const struct FString &With, bool bCaseSensitive)
int STATIC_Asc (const struct FString &S)
struct FString STATIC_Chr (int I)
struct FString STATIC_Locs (const struct FString &S)
struct FString STATIC_Caps (const struct FString &S)
struct FString STATIC_Right (const struct FString &S, int I)
struct FString STATIC_Left (const struct FString &S, int I)
struct FString STATIC_Mid (const struct FString &S, int I, int J)
int STATIC_InStr (const struct FString &S, const struct FString &T, bool bSearchFromRight, bool bIgnoreCase, int StartPos)
int STATIC_Len (const struct FString &S)
struct FString STATIC_SubtractEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &B, struct FString *A)
struct FString STATIC_AtEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &B, struct FString *A)
struct FString STATIC_ConcatEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &B, struct FString *A)
bool STATIC_ComplementEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_GreaterEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_LessEqual_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_Greater_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
bool STATIC_Less_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
struct FString STATIC_At_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
struct FString STATIC_Concat_StrStr (const struct FString &A, const struct FString &B)
struct FRotator STATIC_MakeRotator (int Pitch, int Yaw, int Roll)
bool STATIC_SClampRotAxis (float DeltaTime, int ViewAxis, int MaxLimit, int MinLimit, float InterpolationSpeed, int *out_DeltaViewAxis)
int STATIC_ClampRotAxisFromRange (int Current, int Min, int Max)
int STATIC_ClampRotAxisFromBase (int Current, int Center, int MaxDelta)
void STATIC_ClampRotAxis (int ViewAxis, int MaxLimit, int MinLimit, int *out_DeltaViewAxis)
float STATIC_RSize (const struct FRotator &R)
float STATIC_RDiff (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
int STATIC_NormalizeRotAxis (int Angle)
struct FRotator STATIC_RInterpTo (const struct FRotator &Current, const struct FRotator &Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed, bool bConstantInterpSpeed)
struct FRotator STATIC_RTransform (const struct FRotator &R, const struct FRotator &RBasis)
struct FRotator STATIC_RLerp (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B, float Alpha, bool bShortestPath)
struct FRotator STATIC_Normalize (const struct FRotator &Rot)
struct FRotator STATIC_OrthoRotation (const struct FVector &X, const struct FVector &Y, const struct FVector &Z)
struct FRotator STATIC_RotRand (bool bRoll)
struct FVector STATIC_GetRotatorAxis (const struct FRotator &A, int Axis)
void STATIC_GetUnAxes (const struct FRotator &A, struct FVector *X, struct FVector *Y, struct FVector *Z)
void STATIC_GetAxes (const struct FRotator &A, struct FVector *X, struct FVector *Y, struct FVector *Z)
bool STATIC_ClockwiseFrom_IntInt (int A, int B)
struct FRotator STATIC_SubtractEqual_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &B, struct FRotator *A)
struct FRotator STATIC_AddEqual_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &B, struct FRotator *A)
struct FRotator STATIC_Subtract_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FRotator STATIC_Add_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FRotator STATIC_DivideEqual_RotatorFloat (float B, struct FRotator *A)
struct FRotator STATIC_MultiplyEqual_RotatorFloat (float B, struct FRotator *A)
struct FRotator STATIC_Divide_RotatorFloat (const struct FRotator &A, float B)
struct FRotator STATIC_Multiply_FloatRotator (float A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FRotator STATIC_Multiply_RotatorFloat (const struct FRotator &A, float B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_RotatorRotator (const struct FRotator &A, const struct FRotator &B)
bool InCylinder (const struct FVector &Origin, const struct FRotator &Dir, float Width, const struct FVector &A, bool bIgnoreZ)
float STATIC_NoZDot (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_ClampLength (const struct FVector &V, float MaxLength)
struct FVector STATIC_VInterpTo (const struct FVector &Current, const struct FVector &Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
bool STATIC_IsZero (const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_ProjectOnTo (const struct FVector &X, const struct FVector &Y)
struct FVector STATIC_MirrorVectorByNormal (const struct FVector &InVect, const struct FVector &InNormal)
struct FVector STATIC_VRandCone2 (const struct FVector &Dir, float HorizontalConeHalfAngleRadians, float VerticalConeHalfAngleRadians)
struct FVector STATIC_VRandCone (const struct FVector &Dir, float ConeHalfAngleRadians)
struct FVector STATIC_VRand ()
struct FVector STATIC_VLerp (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B, float Alpha)
struct FVector STATIC_Normal2D (const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_Normal (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_VSizeSq2D (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_VSizeSq (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_VSize2D (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_VSize (const struct FVector &A)
struct FVector STATIC_SubtractEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_AddEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_DivideEqual_VectorFloat (float B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_MultiplyEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_MultiplyEqual_VectorFloat (float B, struct FVector *A)
struct FVector STATIC_Cross_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
float STATIC_Dot_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_GreaterGreater_VectorRotator (const struct FVector &A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FVector STATIC_LessLess_VectorRotator (const struct FVector &A, const struct FRotator &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Subtract_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Add_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Divide_VectorFloat (const struct FVector &A, float B)
struct FVector STATIC_Multiply_VectorVector (const struct FVector &A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Multiply_FloatVector (float A, const struct FVector &B)
struct FVector STATIC_Multiply_VectorFloat (const struct FVector &A, float B)
struct FVector STATIC_Subtract_PreVector (const struct FVector &A)
float STATIC_FInterpConstantTo (float Current, float Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
float STATIC_FInterpTo (float Current, float Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed)
float STATIC_FPctByRange (float Value, float InMin, float InMax)
float STATIC_RandRange (float InMin, float InMax)
float STATIC_FInterpEaseInOut (float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp)
float STATIC_FInterpEaseOut (float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp)
float STATIC_FInterpEaseIn (float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp)
float STATIC_FCubicInterp (float P0, float T0, float P1, float T1, float A)
int STATIC_FCeil (float A)
int STATIC_FFloor (float A)
int STATIC_Round (float A)
float STATIC_Lerp (float A, float B, float Alpha)
float STATIC_FClamp (float V, float A, float B)
float STATIC_FMax (float A, float B)
float STATIC_FMin (float A, float B)
float STATIC_FRand ()
float STATIC_Square (float A)
float STATIC_Sqrt (float A)
float STATIC_Loge (float A)
float STATIC_Exp (float A)
float STATIC_Atan2 (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Atan (float A)
float STATIC_Tan (float A)
float STATIC_Acos (float A)
float STATIC_Cos (float A)
float STATIC_Asin (float A)
float STATIC_Sin (float A)
float STATIC_Abs (float A)
float STATIC_SubtractEqual_FloatFloat (float B, float *A)
float STATIC_AddEqual_FloatFloat (float B, float *A)
float STATIC_DivideEqual_FloatFloat (float B, float *A)
float STATIC_MultiplyEqual_FloatFloat (float B, float *A)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_ComplementEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_GreaterEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_LessEqual_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_Greater_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
bool STATIC_Less_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Subtract_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Add_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Percent_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Divide_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_Multiply_FloatFloat (float A, float B)
float STATIC_MultiplyMultiply_FloatFloat (float Base, float Exp)
float STATIC_Subtract_PreFloat (float A)
struct FString STATIC_ToHex (int A)
int STATIC_Clamp (int V, int A, int B)
int STATIC_Max (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Min (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Rand (int Max)
int STATIC_SubtractSubtract_Int (int *A)
int STATIC_AddAdd_Int (int *A)
int STATIC_SubtractSubtract_PreInt (int *A)
int STATIC_AddAdd_PreInt (int *A)
int STATIC_SubtractEqual_IntInt (int B, int *A)
int STATIC_AddEqual_IntInt (int B, int *A)
int STATIC_DivideEqual_IntFloat (float B, int *A)
int STATIC_MultiplyEqual_IntFloat (float B, int *A)
int STATIC_Or_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Xor_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_And_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_GreaterEqual_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_LessEqual_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_Greater_IntInt (int A, int B)
bool STATIC_Less_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_GreaterGreaterGreater_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_GreaterGreater_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_LessLess_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Subtract_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Add_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Percent_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Divide_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Multiply_IntInt (int A, int B)
int STATIC_Subtract_PreInt (int A)
int STATIC_Complement_PreInt (int A)
unsigned char STATIC_SubtractSubtract_Byte (unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_AddAdd_Byte (unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_SubtractSubtract_PreByte (unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_AddAdd_PreByte (unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_SubtractEqual_ByteByte (unsigned char B, unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_AddEqual_ByteByte (unsigned char B, unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_DivideEqual_ByteByte (unsigned char B, unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_MultiplyEqual_ByteFloat (float B, unsigned char *A)
unsigned char STATIC_MultiplyEqual_ByteByte (unsigned char B, unsigned char *A)
bool STATIC_OrOr_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_XorXor_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_AndAnd_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_NotEqual_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_EqualEqual_BoolBool (bool A, bool B)
bool STATIC_Not_PreBool (bool A)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SDK::UObject
static TArray< UObject * > * GObjects

Member Function Documentation

◆ StaticClass()

static UClass* SDK::ALandscape::StaticClass ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ LayerInfos

TArray<struct FLandscapeLayerInfo> SDK::ALandscape::LayerInfos

◆ LayerNames

TArray<struct FName> SDK::ALandscape::LayerNames

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: